Friday 3 July 2020

The last post of term 2

when i was at school last day of the term my teacher told me to make a blog post about the last day of term and what i did so lets go back to the stared it was fun but the virus and we had no school it was boring at home sitting sleeping but then it was level 3 lock down we got to go outside but then it became level 2 and we were at school but still we had to do distancing it was boring then we did writing and more other stuff we have to do after school then it was level 1 no distancing hand shanks just joking we couldn't and then we had term 2 on and that what i did the whole term and playing outside.i wish it were term 2 but its ending bye see you next time blog ya later.


  1. Hi bilal it must of been really boring for you and it sounded really fun when you came back to school and i have a question,how did you feel when you came to school

    1. Hi Rose its Bilal and when I came back to school I felt little better because of the covid 19 spreading around the world it was boring in lock down and in the school holidays but we got to play and really I was not bored but my brother was.
      Blog ya later


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