Friday 19 June 2020

My letter to Carla

Kia Ora It me Bilal from Room 24 and today i was making a letter to Carla about because she left Bradley forever and he was trying to get in the school the janitor let him but then he just ran and when he went in to the room he saw nobody in it nothing in it but only the thing she had to leave he that all but some day she will come back and it will be fun or he could go visit she at daycare.

Bye Bradley and Jeff
Dear Carla.

From Bradley and Jeff your friends forever.
It has been a pleasure to meet you and now you are leaving, we all are going to miss you Jeff Bradley and their friends. I wish you could stay but you have to leave for daycare.From the start we became friends and now you are leaving us forever to daycare please don’t go we all are going to miss you Carla it was a big pleasure meeting you in the first place then we became friends and now we split up.And one more thing thanks for the book. My parents didn't steal an elephant from the zoo. It was a funny book and really my parents didn’t steal an elephant because it would be too big for the garage. It was the best book to me but it has some funny and cool parts.But can you tell me anything about that book on the bookshelf my parents didn’t steal the elephant and now everybody is telling me that we have an elephant from the book because it said that uncle and Aunt Ruth brought the elephant and said it was for us. 
Bye forever.Carla.By your friends Jeff and Bradley.Don’t tell Bradley got his haircut.Bye.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello bot bilal my name i zudais from room25 i reallly liked youre letter from bradley to carla but next tim can u not do the caps its hard to read
    but other than that i really liked it
    blog ya later
    check my blog


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